Welcome to my Nutrition Log


Welcome to my Nutrition Log

By Adam Mundorf

Welcome to my Nutrition Log!  This is where I will be logging everything I eat.  Generally speaking, I eat a Warrior Diet like schedule.  I fast during the day on zero calorie drinks like energy drinks or coffee. I then come home and have a 16oz glass of kombucha.  Then I'll have a few cups of whole fat greek yogurt with maple syrup (twice a week) or fruit.  Then I have a large comprehensive meal like this :
  1. Large Salad
  2. Steamed Vegetables
  3. Protein Source
    1. Eggs and Cheese
    2. Tortillas and Hummus
    3. Pizza
  4. Supplements
    1. Multi-Vitamin
    2. Fish Oil
    3. 5g of Creatine
You may notice that I don't eat animal flesh.  A couple years ago, I came to the conclusion that a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is a good one.  My thought process is that if you aren't willing to kill an animal, you shouldn't be eating it.  Having worked on farms, I know the sacrifice and the effort of having to kill an animal.  It's not easy and simply is sad to do.  I get everything I need from plants, dairy and eggs.

I look forward to logging here!

Thank you, Adam Mundorf


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